Sodium - symbol Na, atomic number 11 - is a chemical element from the first group of the periodic table or the first main group and is therefore one of the alkali metals. The pure metal is silver-white, soft, can be cut with a knife and quickly tarnishes when exposed to humidity.
Sodium compounds have been known and used by humans for a long time; the best known is the common salt (sodium chloride, NaCl). The German name for the light metal and the English and French name sodium are derived from these compounds. Natron (sodium bicarbonate) is probably the namesake for sodium and is - in a slightly modified form - used in a few other languages besides German - even far away in Japan: Natoriumu. The name sodium - derived from soda - was coined by Humphry Davy, who discovered the pure metal in 1807 when he performed an electrolysis of anhydrous, molten sodium hydroxide.
1s | 2s | 2p | 3s | 3p | 3d | 4s | 4p | 4d | 4f | 5s | 5p | 5d | 5f | 6s | 6p | 6d | 6f | 7s | 7p |
2 | 2 | 6 | 1 |
Shorthand electron configuration of Sodium: [Ne] 3s1.
The following table lists the ionization energies IE (ionization potentials); the IE is the energy required in electron volt (eV) per atom to separate a given electron from an Sodium atom.
IE1 | IE2 | IE3 | IE4 | IE5 | IE6 | IE7 | IE8 |
5.1390764 | 47.2867 | 71.6205 | 98.92 | 138.40 | 172.18 | 208.51 | 264.25 |
An overview of the nuclides as well as the isotopic data and properties are listed on the following page: Sodium isotopes.
E0 (V) | Symbol | Nox | Name Ox. Name Red. | Ox. Red. | e- |
-2.71 | Na | + I 0 | Sodium cation Sodium | Na+ ⇄ Na (s) | + e- |
Last update: 2022-12-22
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