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Chemical, physical and material properties and data of the chemical element Lutetium.



Lutetium is a chemical element with the symbol Lu and atomic number 71. It belongs to the lanthanide group and is the last element in this series. Lutetium is a silver-white, lustrous metal that is relatively stable in its pure form and has a high density.

Lutetium was independently discovered in 1907 by the French scientist Georges Urbain, the Austrian mineralogist Baron Carl Auer von Welsbach, and the American discovered by chemist Charles James. The rare earth element got its name from the Latin name for Paris - lutetia - because the element was discovered in connection with the city of Paris. Lutetium occurs naturally in small amounts and is found in various minerals such as monazite and xenotime.

Chemically, it is a relatively inert element that oxidizes slowly in air, does not react with water, but is soluble in acids such as hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid.

Due to its rarity and difficulty in obtaining it in large quantities, lutetium is a relatively expensive element. However, it is valued in various scientific and technological fields, especially in laser research, where it is used to manufacture solid-state lasers - and in recent years also in medicine, for example in radiotherapy to treat cancer.

< p>In industry, lutetium has various uses: Due to its ability to withstand high temperatures and capture thermal neutrons, it is used in nuclear reactors and in the nuclear industry. It is also used to make phosphors for X-ray screens and as a catalyst in some chemical reactions.


General Information about Lutetium

Regular nameLutetiumChemical symbolLuOther namesHistorical namesAldebaranium, Cassiopeium (Cp), Lutecium, NeoytterbiumName meaning, originLutetia, Latin name for Paris.Discovery (year)1907 - Carl Auer von Welsbach und Georges Urbain.OccurenceApprox. 0.8 mg/kg in the earth's crust.Position in the PSEPeriod 6, group 3, lanthanide series.Group membershipRare earth elements, transition metals.


Atomar Properties of Lutetium

Atomic number Z71 = number of protonsStandard Atomic Weight174.9668 (1)


Electron configuration of Lutetium


Shorthand electron configuration of Lutetium: [Xe] 4f14 5d1 6s2 .


Ionization Energies of Lutetium

The following table lists the ionization energies IE (ionization potentials); the IE is the energy required in electron volt (eV) per atom to separate a given electron from an Lutetium atom.



Isotopic Data of Lutetium

An overview of the nuclides as well as the isotopic data and properties are listed on the following page: Lutetium isotopes.


Chemistry of Lutetium


Valence electrons3Oxidation states+3Electronegativity1.1 (Pauling original)
1.27 (Pauling)
Electron affinity0.346(14) eV
33.4(15) kJ mol-1


Standard Electrode Potential

E0 (V)SymbolNoxName Ox.
Name Red.
-2.28Lu+ III
Lutetium(III) cation
⇄ Lu (s)
+ 3 e-


Material and Physical Properties

Melting point1663 °CEnthalpy of fusion (molar)~ 22 kJ mol-1Boiling point3402 °CEnthalpy of vaporization428 kJ mol-1Density9.841 g cm-3 (25 °C)


External Data, Identifiers

CAS registry number7439-94-3InChI =1S/LuInChIKeyOHSVLFRHMCKCQY-UHFFFAOYSA-NPubChem ID23929


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Last update: 2023-06-05

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