Chemical, physical and material properties and data of the chemical element Radon.
General Information about Radon
Regular nameRadonChemical symbolRnOther namesHistorical namesName meaning, originDiscovery (year)OccurencePosition in the PSEGroup membership
Atomar Properties of Radon
Electron configuration of Radon
1s | 2s | 2p | 3s | 3p | 3d | 4s | 4p | 4d | 4f | 5s | 5p | 5d | 5f | 6s | 6p | 6d | 6f | 7s | 7p |
2 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 6 | 10 | 2 | 6 | 10 | 14 | 2 | 6 | 10 | | 2 | 6 | | | | |
Shorthand electron configuration of Radon: [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p6 .
Ionization Energies of Radon
The following table lists the ionization energies IE (ionization potentials); the IE is the energy required in electron volt (eV) per atom to separate a given electron from an Radon atom.
Isotopic Data of Radon
An overview of the nuclides as well as the isotopic data and properties are listed on the following page: Radon isotopes.
Chemistry of Radon
Material and Physical Properties
Melting point- 71 °CEnthalpy of fusion (molar)3.247 kJ mol-1Boiling point- 61.7 °CEnthalpy of vaporization19.1 kJ mol-1Density9.73 g L -1 (0°C; 101.325 kPa; Rn-222)
External Data, Identifiers
CAS registry number10043-92-2InChI =1S/RnInChIKeySYUHGPGVQRZVTB-UHFFFAOYSA-NPubChem ID24857
Last update: 2022-12-28
Perma link: https://www.chemlin.org/chemical-elements/radon.php
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