With a half-life of almost 374 days, ruthenium-106 is the longest-lived radioactive isotope of the chemical element ruthenium. The atomic nucleus of the nuclide consists of the element-specific 44 protons and 62 neutrons, which results in the mass number 106: 106Ru.
The occurrence of ruthenium-106 on earth is based exclusively on anthropogenic ones factors; the isotope is created by nuclear fission of uranium-235 in nuclear reactors and therefore occurs, for example, in spent nuclear fuel and products derived from it. Ru-106 enters the environment as a result of nuclear accidents or improper processing of radioactive waste. In 2017 there was a massive release of Ru-106 into the atmosphere, particularly in the Eurasian region; the exact cause is still unclear [2].
The radioisotope emits β-radiation and can be used in medicine: the low penetration depth of the beta radiation in the tissue is beneficial here. A possible application is, for example, ruthenium-106 brachytherapy for the treatment of uveal melanoma.
See also: list of Ruthenium isotopes.
Half-life T½ = 371.8(18) d respectively 3.2123520 × 107 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
β- | 106Rh | 100 % | 0.03940(21) MeV |
Direct parent isotope is: 106Tc.
Z | Isotone N = 62 | Isobar A = 106 |
35 | 97Br | |
36 | 98Kr | |
37 | 99Rb | |
38 | 100Sr | 106Sr |
39 | 101Y | 106Y |
40 | 102Zr | 106Zr |
41 | 103Nb | 106Nb |
42 | 104Mo | 106Mo |
43 | 105Tc | 106Tc |
44 | 106Ru | 106Ru |
45 | 107Rh | 106Rh |
46 | 108Pd | 106Pd |
47 | 109Ag | 106Ag |
48 | 110Cd | 106Cd |
49 | 111In | 106In |
50 | 112Sn | 106Sn |
51 | 113Sb | 106Sb |
52 | 114Te | 106Te |
53 | 115I | |
54 | 116Xe | |
55 | 117Cs | |
56 | 118Ba | |
57 | 119La | |
58 | 120Ce | |
59 | 121Pr |
[0] - Research articles in scientific journals via PubMed: Ruthenium-106.
[1] - Jacob Pe’er:
Ruthenium-106 Brachytherapy.
In: Developments in Ophthalmology, (2011), DOI 10.1159/000328254.
[2] - O. Masson et a.:
Airborne concentrations and chemical considerations of radioactive ruthenium from an undeclared major nuclear release in 2017.
In: PNAS, (2019), DOI 10.1073/pnas.1907571116.
Last update: 2023-05-11
Perma link: https://www.chemlin.org/isotope/ruthenium-106
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