Germanium-71 is a radioisotope of the chemical element germanium, which has 39 neutrons in its atomic nucleus in addition to the element-specific 32 protons, resulting in a mass number of 71. The very short-lived, only artificially produced, unstable and thus radioactive nuclide has no practical technical significance; the study of 71Ge is exclusively for academic purposes or research.
See also: list of Germanium isotopes.
In 2024, a new value for the half-life of the nuclide 71Ge was published [1], which has been adopted here; previously it was given as t1/2 = 11.43(3) days.
Half-life T½ = 11.468(8) d respectively 9.908352 × 105 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
EE | 71Ga | 100 % | 0.2325(12) MeV |
Direct parent isotope is: 71As.
Z | Isotone N = 39 | Isobar A = 71 |
21 | 60Sc | |
22 | 61Ti | |
23 | 62V | |
24 | 63Cr | |
25 | 64Mn | 71Mn |
26 | 65Fe | 71Fe |
27 | 66Co | 71Co |
28 | 67Ni | 71Ni |
29 | 68Cu | 71Cu |
30 | 69Zn | 71Zn |
31 | 70Ga | 71Ga |
32 | 71Ge | 71Ge |
33 | 72As | 71As |
34 | 73Se | 71Se |
35 | 74Br | 71Br |
36 | 75Kr | 71Kr |
37 | 76Rb | 71Rb |
38 | 77Sr | |
39 | 78Y | |
40 | 79Zr | |
42 | 81Mo |
[1] - E. B. Norman et al.:
Half-life of 71Ge and the gallium anomaly.
In: Physical Review C, 109, 055501, (2024), DOI 10.1103/PhysRevC.109.055501.
Last update: 2024-08-22
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