Properties and data of the isotope 234Am.
See also: list of Americium isotopes.
General data
Name of the isotope:Americium-234; Am-234Symbol:234Am or 23495AmMass number A:234 (= number of nucleons)Atomic number Z:95 (= number of protons)Neutrons N:139Isotopic mass:234.04773(17) u (atomic weight of Americium-234)Nuclide mass:233.9956221 u (calculated nuclear mass without electrons)Mass excess:44.46021 MeVMass defect:1.900071364 u (per nucleus)Nuclear binding energy:1769.90507514 MeV (per nucleus)
7.5636969 MeV (average binding energy per nucleon)Separation energy:SN = 6.87(19) MeV (first neutron)
SP = 2.88(17) MeV (first proton)Half-life:2.32(8) minDecay constant λ:0.0049795056074709 s-1Specific activity α:1.281507870984 × 10+19 Bq g-1
346353478.64443 Ci g-1Spin and parity:
(nuclear angular momentum)Year of discovery:1967
Radioactive Decay
Half-life T½ = 2.32(8) min (minutes) respectively 1.392 × 102 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
α | 230Np | ? | 6.80(15) MeV | |
EC | 234Pu | ca. 100 % | 4.11(16) MeV | |
Isotones and Isobars
The following table shows the atomic nuclei that are isotonic (same neutron number N = 139) and isobaric (same nucleon number A = 234) with Americium-234. Naturally occurring isotopes are marked in green; light green = naturally occurring radionuclides.
Z | Isotone N = 139 | Isobar A = 234 |
83 | 222Bi | |
84 | 223Po | |
85 | 224At | |
86 | 225Rn | |
87 | 226Fr | |
88 | 227Ra | 234Ra |
89 | 228Ac | 234Ac |
90 | 229Th | 234Th |
91 | 230Pa | 234Pa |
92 | 231U | 234U |
93 | 232Np | 234Np |
94 | 233Pu | 234Pu |
95 | 234Am | 234Am |
96 | 235Cm | 234Cm |
97 | 236Bk | 234Bk |
98 | 237Cf | |
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Last update: 2020-10-23
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